WITCHES OF EAST END centers on the adventures of a mother and her two adult daughters, both of whom unknowingly are their family's next generation of witches, who lead seemingly quiet, uneventful modern day lives in Long Island's secluded seaside town of North Hampton. When one of the daughters becomes engaged to a young, wealthy newcomer, a series of events forces her mother to admit to her daughters they are, in fact, powerful and immortal witches.
Production Company: Fox 21
Network: Lifetime Television
Executive Producers: Maggie Friedman, Jonathan Kaplan
Producer: Shawn Williamson
Cast: Julia Ormond, Jenna Dewan-Tatum, Rachel Boston,Mädchen Amick, Daniel DiTomasso, Eric Winter
Variety Season 1 review
Huff Post press release
Variety Renewal announcement
Collider Jenna Tatum interview
Colider Madchen Amick Interview